Saturday, May 31, 2014

My inspiration

This woman gave birth to and raised me and after she left had inspired me to do better each day to reach my ultimate goal which is to make her proud.
Mommy soon really soon I will reach success and once I'm the I will continue to build this empire inspired by you.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ok where was i when they did the casting for this movie , did i miss the memo -.,,HELLLO!!!!!
Not for nothing Zoe Saldana is my girl and all , but i mean come on where is the opportunity for the real dark skin COLOMBIANAS?
Not to mention the world only knows of Colombia for  Coffee , Shakira ,Sophia Vergara, Natalia Paris oh and let me not forget everybody's favorite The Cartels. You would be surprised how many people really sit there and ask me "There are dark skin colombians ?" "i never knew that ".
like really?? there are dark skin Germans,Russians etc  ..  HELLLO
In any case the time has come  to show the world what they are missing,

real Colombianas   put yourselves on the map the time IS NOW !!!